
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Inspiration for All Saints Day!

About a week ago, Charolotte had a divine inspiration to start a new blog to share ideas that would help our little ones grow in their faith.  I'm so thankful for her inspiration; just the week before my teacher partner and I were discussing how our religion text left much to be desired in the way of additional, exciting material to really draw our chilren into the faith.  We spend many extra hours searching the web for related material to enhance our religion lessons.  How awesome it will be to come here and find the resources at hand!

So I really wanted to contribute a meaningful item to this blog.  As I was sitting in mass during All Saints Day listening to Father Terry's excellent homily geared to draw the children into the discussion, inspiration hit me!  I remembered a little project I had done with my kids in the past.  I came home, cleaned it up, put it into attractive packaging, and voila!  Who Can Be a Saint was born!

I used the project with my kids at school on Friday as a review, and they really came out cute.  We hung them in the hall for everyone to see how we could all work towards becoming saints!  Of course, when you ask the kids what is a saint, they come back with familiar saint names.  Through our discussion, we got to the main point -- a saint is anyone who has died and living in heaven with God, and anyone can be a saint.

Here's a finished sample of one of the projects.  I cut off her halo, but it's there!

    If you would like to have a copy of this project, just click on the picture below. 
    I hope you and your little ones enjoy this project!  God bless. . .

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,

    Great Blog Post. Thank you so much! This is exactly the what I was hoping to have on this blog.

    I pinned it to my Religious Education board. If you have more, ideas for posts, please, let me know.

