
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Is Love

During this season of Advent, my family has been meditating and emphasizing John 3:16.  It's a very special verse for me because it was the first piece of scripture that I memorized, understood, and hid in my heart.

My two youngest sons memorized it when they were barely out of diapers.  However, I want my boys and my students to move beyond the rote. I want them to know it, feel it, internalize it, and apply God's word to their everyday lives.

So with that in mind, I wrote a little printable book for my two sons (a kinder and a firstie) that we will read at dinner devotions tonight.

While it is a simple little book, I'm hoping that it reminds my boys that Christmas is more than decorations and presents. Christmas is about love... the love that God had for us when he sent his one and only Son... the love that Jesus shows us daily with his mercy and grace.  The love that we, in turn, are to show others. But, most importantly, the love that we have for our Savior.

Noah, my seven year old, brought me to tears over the weekend.  We had just finished devotions and he said, "Mommy, the best gift I have is salvation".  Amen, Noah, Amen!

Click here to grab this FREEBIE from Google Drive 

Or, click on the picture below for a FREE download of this ten page little printable book. Use in your kindergarten or first grade classroom, in Sunday school ,or with your own little ones. 

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
May you know His love this season!



  1. Adorable book! My favorite verse. :)

    The Balanced Classroom

  2. Thank you, Tammi! My fav verse too besides Philippians 4:13! :-) Lauren

  3. Love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing.

